Chapter 1 : Talking about self ( Speaking class)

Activities : Introducing and mentioning identity to develop interactional communication with others.
Text/ presentation : Introduction her/his self

Greeting and introducing yourself

John :Hello, my name is John, what is your name?
Jane :Hi John my name is Jane pleased to meet you.
Peter:Hello, I'm Peter what is your name?
Sarah:Hello, my names Sarah nice to meet you.
Smith: Can you tell me your name please?
John: my name is John Smith, pleased to meet you.

What if I don't understand them?

Teacher: Please tell me your name? 
Student:  my name is Boris Jones.
Teacher:  Am sorry I don't understand, please repeat it slowly for me
Student:  B - o - r -  i - s     J - o - n - e - s
**Hint if you still don't understand what they are saying ask them to spell it **
Teacher: Am sorry I still don't  understand, please spell it for me
Student:  B - o - r -  i - s     J - o - n - e - s
Teacher: Thank you.

Video : Introduction greeting

Task 1
Guessing Games: Who Am I?

Task 2
Introduction Game:
Party Time

Link/URL : Buku Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK kelas X revisi edisi 2017 


Glossary : Great to see you

Instructional Method : Project Based Learning.
